Throughout the pandemic, distributors have proven critical to saving lives and keeping the economy moving by reliably distributing food, medicine, PPE, and other vital supplies to every corner of America. As we enter a new phase where vaccines are making their way into the arms of millions of Americans, our industry has a critical opportunity to step up once again and accelerate the American recovery.
NAW and our member companies are partnering with the National Football League to support mass vaccination sites in stadiums across the country. When fully operational, these sites will have the capacity and vaccine supply provided by FEMA to vaccinate thousands of people each day. NAW is actively building a coalition of distributors who are committed to accelerating the administration of the vaccine and are able to help the NFL secure items needed to operate these mass vaccination sites.
This week, NAW member companies have begun donating supplies to the Detroit Lions and Pittsburgh Steelers to support the launch of their vaccination sites; we expect to speak with many of the remaining 30 NFL clubs shortly to understand their needs and connect them with distributors best positioned to meet those needs.
If you would like to join us and have the ability to donate or serve as a source for purchase for any of the following items, please respond directly to me and NAW’s Chief Business Development Officer Dan Schuberth ([email protected], 732-585-3010):